Fat transfer includes suctioning out a limited quantity of fat from the knees, mid-region or thighs and moving this fat into the facial region (model: chuckle lines, grimace lines or lips). Fat Transfer in Dubai is a significantly more profitable methodology and prompts extremely durable superior changes in facial form. Long-lasting injectable fillers are not suggested, like silicon, gortex, methyl methacrolate, or artecoll which are viewed as dangerous. These long-lasting fillers can prompt significant disfigurements. The fat transfer system is viewed as the most secure fillers in the event that utilized by a certified specialist since it utilizes your own fat. Lips are likewise being forever improved utilizing the fat transfer method.
1) Fat Transfer is great to fill in the accompanying facial regions for all time:
o Glabella
o Nasolabial and retrusive maxillas
o Lips
o Nasojugal crease
o Chin wrinkles
o Vertical lip lines
o Depressed horrendous scars
o Some sorts of facial rhytids
o Submalar region
o Cheeks
o Lower eyelid discouragements over the infraorbital edge
o Nasal discouragements
o Acne scarring

2) Fat Transfer is great to fill in the accompanying trunk and limit regions for all time:
Inborn disfigurements of delicate tissue or potentially muscle
Amending liposuction disfigurements
Fat decay surrenders from cortisone infusions
Horrendous delicate tissue deserts
3) Informed Assent:
Patients will require 1-3 sittings for the fat transfer method no nearer than 90 days separated.
4) Fat Transfer Procedure:
Can be performed under neighborhood sedation or with IV sedation or related to other surgeries